Who's the boss?

I’ve always thought I’m better off second in command and it has never been truer than now.  It’s been over a year since I left my long held position as a Dean at the Process Work Institute.  This has freed me to focus on 361ArtWorks, a new venture formed with a collaborator whose life has taken her in other directions, leaving me to develop and grow the business in any way I wish. 

So here I am, trying to figure out what this business wants to be. This leads me to other small questions like what do I truly care about, what is trying to move through me and how can I best contribute to this troubled world?

If I’m the number two then who’s my boss?  Who directs me? To whom do I report?  With whom do I debate and disagree? Who holds me accountable?

Where’s my One?

I know the answer; and unfortunately it’s one of those way easier said than done ones.

The answer of course is me. My deepest self is, or should be boss.  Or to use another word--god (my inner version).  Yes, indeed, as that adage says: god is my co-pilot.   But the problem is, I don’t know where to find her.

But, I do know where to find my dog. She’d be either sleeping—or where food is.

Hmmm.   Dog is my-copilot.  That silly bumper sticker may not be so silly after all.  Maybe I need to relax and dream. And then, like Mattie the dog, when I sniff something good, pounce.

And yes, there are more traditional ways of being a leader than sleeping, sniffing and pouncing. But for now, I’ll choose the canine way.

How do you lead? What moves you to do things in life?